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Meet the creator of Rhythms & Routines, Wellness Coach Courtenay Kanell

“Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.”


My Start With Wellness

I am a wife to Danny & busy mom of 3 beautiful girls. (LORD HAVE MERCY). After starting a family & moving several times for my husband’s career I started teaching fitness and studying nutrition as a creative outlet for myself. At first, I wanted to learn how to keep my family nourished and maintain good health in our home. 


Running Nowhere

When we first married & started our family, I didn’t know how to cook. We ate out all the time and ate all the wrong foods. We had many sick days and to be honest I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “I was sick & tired of being sick and tired.” I got my hands on every healthy cookbook & wellness book I could find.


‘Cleaning’ Up My Eating


Eventually, I studied & became a Certified Health Coach with Nutritious Life Studio & Plant Based Nutrition Studies with T. Colin Campbell. I took charge of my family’s nutrition and want to help you achieve a similar transformation. We enjoy less sick days, more energy, and found the best rhythm and routines to help my family thrive.



A Passion to Empower Others

It fills me with joy to empower, teach, and encourage other women to embrace healthy habits and watch their lives transform. As busy wives, moms and women we really do set the tone in our homes. When you feel amazing & have more energy for your family and life in general, you will never look back.